
  • August 21, 2017
  • JC

Role: Assistant camera, interview and research consultant.

Synopsis: 295 George St., a dilapidated colonial townhouse in Toronto’s Garden District, is a relic from a forgotten chapter in Canadian history. When it became gutted by a freak fire accident in late 2011, local documentary filmmaker, Eleanor McGrath, decided to dig deeper into the heritage house’s past. During her research, she discovered the house once ushered in thousands of British children into the country, who began their new lives in a foreign land as indentured servants and labourers sent to different households across Ontario. These children led vastly different lives. Some had fought and died in wars, others married and migrated to different provinces. And despite their descendants now consisting of roughly 10 percent of Canada’s population, their stories were largely left untold — until now. (Completed 2015)

Find out more about the film here